4 Food Blogs to Follow

I would not consider myself a cook. My typical dinner consists of microwavable frozen pasta from Trader Joe’s that can be whipped up in under five minutes. Part of why I’m not too adventurous in the kitchen is because I’m a busy college student and cooking simply takes longer than I have time for. The other reason is because I simply don’t enjoy cooking. I’d rather read a book, re-watch an episode of Gilmore Girls or hang with my roommates when I do have free time. Having said that, I am slowly trying new cooking techniques in the kitchen on occasion (when time allows).
I’m sure there are people like me who are trying to branch out with what they cook and eat. That’s why I made this post; to encourage and inspire cooks of all “levels” to try new, healthy recipes from food bloggers who seem to know what they are doing (at least in the kitchen).
All Types
Lookin’ for some guilt-free dessert recipes? Kelly’s Eat Yourself Skinny has a plethora of ideas for you to get amped about. Sort recipes by Weight Watcher’s points, breakfast, chip and dip combos or Crock-Pot recipes; you’ll find yourself immersed in delicious ideas you’ll want to make right then and there.
Grill It Up
You’re not going to want to wait for warm weather to break out the old backyard grill with these mouth-watering recipes from GrillGirl. Your salivary glands with be working OT simply by sorting through the different meats and sauces you can use to spice up your daily meal plan.
Eating your veggies = a chore? Ha. Not that way anymore with Erin’s blog Naturally Ella. It’ll inspire you to eat local and seasonally, a great way to be sustainable and “green”. If I feel healthier just by looking at the recipes, just imagine the way you’ll feel after eating them!
Childhood friend- gone inspiring food blogger, Ella (Danielle as I know her) has a vegan recipe blog, Ravenous Rave, that will interest you in trying something new (if vegan recipes are new to your palate).
My goal this upcoming spring break is to cook up a dinner for my boyfriend with one recipe from one of these food blogs. We’ll see how it’ll turn out (maybe I’ll have him help me, he’s more of a cook)!