What to Do When The Tech Is Too Technical?

Your website can be your one of your most effective assets to generate new customers and gain interest in your community. It is vital for the growth of a fitness business to establish a strong online presence so it can be seen by the community it exists to serve.
Typically, the fear that keeps fitness professionals from pursuing a strong online presence is the concern that the work involved would be too technical.
A common theme is that companies have a website but don’t know how to maximize its potential. They know the potential is there but just don’t know where to capitalize on it.
So the problem for fitness professionals is that they can see where they can take their business but don’t know how. They have limited options to do it alone:
- They could attempt to learn how to create their own website but learning those skills could take months or years.
- They can use free web design templates, but this is just a frame that anybody can use.
- They could ask their friend the web designer to build a site for them, but they have no experience designing a site for a fitness business.
On the surface, an aspiring fitness entrepreneur can take many routes to bypass his lack of technical knowledge. But how well would the resulting site perform? Would the fancy design be enough to translate passion for fitness into business success?
Designing a fancy website that is not designed to be a marketing tool is like opening a five-star restaurant but neglecting to construct a kitchen.
As fitness entrepreneurs, you face a dilemma when creating a website. You want a website that showcases your passion and care for what you do. At the same time, you need a website that can be your greatest marketing tool when growing your business.
With poor and limited options available to do it independently, fitness professionals are disillusioned at the idea of moving online with little technical knowledge and no easy means to acquire more.
A fitness expert could have a lot of knowledge to share but no means to get online. A web designer might be able to create a website, but a good design isn’t going to make it successful on its own. And a generic web design is not going to make your website stand out amongst the crowd.
Here at Fitness Website Formula, we have seven years of experience blending these two seemingly different industries: fitness and web design. We design you a great looking site, but underneath it functions as your greatest marketing asset.
Not only does your website need to look professional but it needs a marketing platform where potential consumers go to learn more about you. You only have one chance to make a first impression on them.
We implement the necessary additions to our websites that give higher results on search engines and are designed to generate and convert leads.
Our solutions involve designing your website using our time-tested formula that is proven to improve:
- Site traffic
- Lead generation
- Search engine ranking
Not only do more people find their way to your site, but your site is actually designed to make sure those visitors are intrigued and want to learn more by getting involved.
We take the internet marketing load off of your shoulders, and we make it easy for you to take your business to new heights.
We feel confident in our ability to make it possible for anyone to take their fitness business online no matter their technological skill level. We have mastered the art and science in selling fitness online and designing websites for fitness businesses. It has taken us years to develop our best practices to navigate the complexities we encounter every day, so we love being able to share it with you.