Online Coaching with Fit Meal Formula

Fit Meal Formula App
The new year is an exciting time for fitness businesses because so many people want to start exercising. There are so many potential clients waiting to find the right gym to begin their fitness journey. There is also a huge market of people who want to get into a workout routine but cannot find the time to make it to the gym. Online coaching is the perfect way to attract new clients due to its customizability to any lifestyle.
Online coaching is the newest trend in the fitness industry and is continuing to grow with its on-the-go convenience. It allows clients to train on their own schedule with personally designed workouts. Many trainers are taking online training even further by making personalized grocery lists and meal plans to optimize the results of their client’s workouts.
To keep up with this trend, Fitness Website Formula has created the app Fit Meal Formula. This app is our own take on Dietmaster Pro that is tailored to fit our client’s needs. Dietmaster Pro was created by real dietitians and nutrition professionals to make healthy eating easier. We are private labeling their app and putting our own spin on it so it is optimized for fitness professionals.
How it Works
Fit Meal Formula has an impressive lineup of features that will take your client’s training experience to the next level. The online portal allows trainers to upload workouts, meal plans, and grocery lists that clients can access right on their phones. Trainers can create their own meal plans or grab one from the Dietmaster library of pre-made plans designed by dietitians. The meals are customizable based on each client’s food preferences.
The app includes messaging capabilities that allow trainers to directly message their clients. The weight tracking feature also allows trainers to stay updated on their clients progress so they can adjust their meal plans and workouts.
Why Online Coaching?
Grow your client base and enhance the workout experience of your existing ones. Online coaching allows you to grow your business by training fit but busy people that do not have time to go to your gym. Train clients around the world and watch them become their fittest and healthiest selves with the convenience of working out on their own time with your training expertise.
Contact us today to get starting on your online coaching platform!