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Case Study

Reggie C Fitness

Before Fitness Website Formula

Meet Reggie Collier, the proprietor of Signature Physiques in Houston, Texas, and the online coaching service Reggie C Fitness.

Reggie enlisted the expertise of Fitness Website Formula, recognizing the need for professional guidance to expand his online training venture. With only a Facebook page to his name and relying predominantly on referrals for clients, Reggie sought a structured system to effectively manage his online training clientele and prospective leads.

“He hired FWF when he realized he needed professional help to grow his online training business.”

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After Working With Us

After finding Fitness Website Formula through a Google search, Reggie was impressed by their industry-leading reputation in fitness web design.

He collaborated with their team to bring his vision of an online coaching platform to life. During website construction, Fitness Website Formula assisted Reggie in launching a targeted social media marketing campaign to promote his life-changing services.

He immediately started getting sign ups on his website

His website, launched shortly thereafter, perfectly aligned with Reggie’s vision and was expertly designed to effectively convert targeted leads. Almost immediately, sign-ups began rolling in, with Reggie witnessing a steady increase in his conversion rate.

See The Difference!

  • Reggie C Fitness, a top client of Fitness Website Formula, garners an impressive average of 171 leads monthly, with over 57,000 website views in just over a year.
  • Unique marketing strategies and an intuitive website design drive this success, attracting clients with clear calls to action and compelling testimonials. Reggie’s thriving business underscores the transformative impact of hiring industry experts like Fitness Website Formula for website design and marketing.
  • With immediate growth upon website launch and refined marketing strategies in place, Reggie anticipates continued success with Fitness Website Formula.

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