Within minutes, you can create visually appealing and SEO friendly testimonials without design or coding work. Choose your own layout and style options and really showcase your products & services with “social proof”.
Layouts have been developed and refined for traffic conversion. It has a few key marketing features and it is mobile and tablet responsive.
Easily upload and place testimonials in any content area. Grouping, filters, and ordering make it quick & easy to manage dozens of testimonials simultaneously. Time spent less allows you to focus more on marketing.
This is an example of how a text-based testimonial can be added in between content in a responsive, full-width format. Although this plugin is primarily built for Fitness & Wellness websites, it would be suitable for any product or service that need to convey “results”. Scroll down to see more examples.
Simple “Before & After” Example

Donec dignissim vehicula ante, at consequat arcu mattis et. Suspendisse at dapibus ligula. Proin est risus, volutpat vel tortor in, molestie volutpat augue. Nullam et cursus nunc, sit amet luctus libero. Aenean in neque nec ante porta efficitur. Fusce feugiat metus id auctor porttitor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris ut augue tempus, vehicula dui ut, bibendum purus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam ut cursus odio.

Donec arcu tellus, efficitur sit amet turpis at, scelerisque vestibulum urna. Nullam a aliquam mi. Mauris tincidunt leo in nunc lobortis pretium sit amet nec nunc. Maecenas egestas tempor libero, non suscipit sapien gravida vitae. Sed tellus elit, gravida vitae nisl in, varius suscipit nisi. Etiam in blandit odio, hendrerit interdum felis. Nam tristique risus sodales sem sodales fermentum. Nam erat velit, tempor ut posuere vel, porta eget nulla. Phasellus rutrum pharetra ligula non suscipit. Curabitur at quam eget enim tempor luctus nec quis justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pretium risus a blandit finibus. Proin non pellentesque tortor. In varius eros at nisi aliquet molestie.
Other Simple Examples

This is a shorter version of the testimonial. When you click on the "Read more" link below, you will see my full post. Nullam vestibulum ex nec arcu placerat convallis eu eu risus. Sed consequat ante eget vulputate posuere. Nunc porttitor, enim at malesuada auctor, purus nulla scelerisque elit, sit amet volutpat risus lorem ut diam. Vivamus dapibus risus ac elit tincidunt euismod. Donec elementum urna et lectus efficitur pretium. Nulla facilisi. Donec vel blandit orci. In augue dui, posuere ut ullamcorper sit amet, bibendum vel lacus.
This is an example of how a text-based testimonial can be added in between content in a responsive, full-width format. Although this plugin is primarily built for Fitness & Wellness websites, it would be suitable for any product or service that need to convey “results”. Scroll down to see more examples.